Pasta with Sausage in a Creamy Pesto Sauce and Zeppole

Hello Dear Followers,

This week was a treat! We welcomed a new guest chef to Tuesday Night Suppers. Our long time friend Melissa joined us and we made a carb-filled dinner that had us craving more.

We made farfelle pasta with sausage in a creamy pesto sauce and for dessert we made yogurt zeppole covered in granulated sugar.

The recipes were by Laura in the Kitchen, truly two delectable Italian dishes!

Here are the recipes

Pasta with Sausage in a Creamy Pesto Sauce


1 1/2 lb of sausage (the recipe calls for Italian turkey sausage, but any sausage will do)

1 lb of pasta (the recipe calls for taghiatelle pasta, but any other pasta will do)

2 tbsps of olive oil

2 cloves of garlic, minced

2 cups of heavy cream

1 cup of homemade pesto

1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese

Salt and pepper for taste


Begin by removing the casing of the sausage and break it up. Put the sausage in a frying pan on medium heat with olive oil, cook four to five minutes or until cooked through. Add the minced garlic and cook for another minute.

Add the heavy cream and the pesto and reduce the heat to medium low. Let cook for about 3-4 minutes or until sauce thickens. Add the pesto to the creamy mixture and let it cook for another minute.

While the sausage is cooking, fill a pot of water and boil on medium heat for the pasta.

Once the pasta is ready, drain and add the sauce to the pot. And enjoy!

Yogurt Zeppole

These were heaven! A true winning dish!


1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour

1/2 tsp of salt

1 cup of plain yogurt

1 egg

Zest of a lemon ( We actually used oranges, but either/or is fine or none at all… whichever you prefer)

2 tsp of baking powder

2 tsp of vanilla extract

Frying oil

Granulated sugar


Add oil to a sauce pan and preheat it, you want oil at 350 degrees

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, salt, vanilla extract and baking powder, set aside.

Scoop out the batter using a small ice cream scoop and fry a small amount at a time or until deeply golden brown.

Drain them on a paper towel and dredge them in the granulated sugar and eat while it is still hot!

Until next week! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @Tuesdaynightsuppers